Special Projects
General, unrestricted gifts to support the annual operating budget are greatly appreciated – and needed! However, we realize some benefactors might have special interests and prefer to direct a charitable gift to a specific project or long-range need. For those interested in supporting one of the following with an outright gift or a deferred gift via an estate plan, please contact Mark Randall, CFRE in the Office of Institutional Advancement: 202-541-5403 or mrandall@pnac.org.
Spiritual Formation
This project focuses on the spiritual retreats each seminarian is required to experience as part of his human and spiritual formation. An annual six-day retreat takes place right before the Roman universities open, and each seminary class leaves the city and the seminary to stay in a religious retreat house it the countryside, where the atmosphere safeguards and promotes solitude, silence, and meditation necessary for a grace-filled retreat. Other retreats are also organized throughout the year.
Apostolic Formation
To support and fund pastoral and apostolic outreach activities. Among the projects that are available to the seminarians are outreach to Hispanic immigrants in Rome, ministry in Roman hospitals, teaching at Marymount International School, and immersion in the work of the Church in Central America and Asia.
Liturgical Formation
This designation honors the critical importance of properly forming seminarians with respect to the sacred liturgy. The College employs a full-time director of liturgy, who in addition to daily celebrations of the Mass offers thorough and intense instruction for all Sacraments. Gifts will help fund the directors’ salary and course materials.
Italian Language Studies
Seminarians at the Pontifical North American College must have an appreciation for and understanding of Italian. Speaking the language is not only immensely helping when in Rome, but critical for those attending classes where instructors only speak Italian. This fund contributes to a full-time instructor to assist seminarians with their studies, and a series of intense workshops at the beginning of each year.
Priestly Formation
The bedrock principle of having good priests is having good priestly formation. This fund provides income for the Rector to use on special projects that enhance such formation, such as inviting a special theologian for a talk, or sponsoring a workshop on a timely topic.
Our late friend and honorary alumnus, Brother Randal Riede, CFX, built a library collection of over 64,000 books and 234 periodical subscriptions at the College. It has become the finest English library in all of Rome; the eminent Church historian Monsignor John Tracy Ellis publicly noted Brother’s accomplishment as have so many scholars. This fund will help preserve and expand the library.
Recreational Sports & Fitness
One of the four pillars of priestly formation – human – can be nurtured greatly through sport and recreation. The College offers soccer fields, tennis courts, a state-of-the-art fitness center, bowling alley, and running track – all of which get heavy use. This fund contributes to the ongoing maintenance of the various athletic resources at the campus in Rome.
Organ & Piano Maintenance
Liturgies held in the chapels at the seminary and Casa Santa Maria are enhanced by three pipe organs and three grand pianos which require significant maintenance and tuning. This fund contributes to cover the upkeep of these instruments, which aid in lifting our hearts and minds to the Lord.